The guessable answer should be a word chosen at random from a pre-determined list
The list of guessable answers should be made of words of mixed lengths
The user should be shown a list of their incorrect guesses
The user should be able to see the traditional hangman "guessing" area, with blank spots for unguessed letters, and any letters they have guessed (shown in order)
The user should be shown a countdown of how many incorrect guesses they have until they lose
Make a win/lose state for the game
Concepts used
Saving data to an array and using data inputted to a form; counting the number of guesses
Practice using forEach and indexOf methods
Reloading the page to play the game again with a new word
Problems encountered
This was my second attempt at a hangman game, I felt more confident to make it and was much faster than the first time. However I did struggle at first with encountering a double letter in the answer word- I eventually solved it by using a forEach and a while loop
Letter graveyard didn’t show the right number at the loss of the game- I solved it by using a setTimeout function for the picture to show up, so when it was clicked away the number (0) shown was correct